110510 CNBLUE 泰國代言活動後記,粉絲送Vita 500+理想型
Vita 500是韓國有名的健康飲料,當時請到少時進行代言,推出瓶身印有少時個人的照片
英翻 from.Soompi
- A goguma on the fanmeeting said to yong that " I am Thai yongseo fan,Yongseo fighting. "
then Yong replied " yes fighting !! "
一位容徐飯在見面會上和容和表示他是泰國紅薯飯,然後"容徐 fighting"
接著,容和也回他"是的 fighting!!"
同時他也送了瓶身印有徐賢的Vita 500給容和,見下圖(左邊是CN代言的產品)
- During the interview, there's one question about their ideal type. Yong said he likes girl who has "beautiful eyes, understand my work and only love me"