2012年12月15日 星期六

121215 "2012 BLUE NIGHT CONCERT",徐賢來了演唱會Part.1

121215 "2012 BLUE NIGHT CONCERT",徐賢來了演唱會Part.1

真的永遠忘不了那個晚上,刷著推 突然看到有飯說允兒在現場,接著開始越來越多人被目擊,SUJU的成員出現...我拼命的更新推特,在看到期盼出現的名字出現後,當下..真的 心臟好像停了一下,少時各個站子陸續po出 [Confirm......], 越來越多的後記出現,從一開始簡短的Seohyun was there.到詳細的版本,真的好開心好開心 :D

大多轉自YSI,Twitter, 中翻by me

日飯後記: FA source:  Shared by Sagua85

  • ①ユナが開演前に1人できて、開演後少したってすじゅ3人が入ってきました。ユナ→結構携帯イジイジしてたけど、終始ニコニコして楽しんでた♪。ドンへ→フード被って全然顔みえない感じ。ギュ・ウニョク→じっとみてた。

    1) Yoona was there by herself before the concert starts, a little while after the concert began 3 people from SuJu came. Yoona -> played with her phone a lot, but was smiling and enjoying herself from start to finish. Donghae -> covered by his hood and couldn't see his face much. Kyu+Eunhyuk -> always watching.
    允兒在演唱會開始前就一個人在那,演唱會開始後沒多久, SUJU的三個成員來了, 允兒→時常玩手機 但總是微笑著而且從開始到結束都很享受, 東海→被帽子遮住 所以無法看到他的臉, 圭賢+銀赫→一直在看

  • ②ユナが1人でくるはずはないから絶対他にもソシくるはず‼って話しつつも、そひょなは音中だから来ないよねってなってたら、まさかのまさか‼‼ラブガ終 わった後くらいにテティソ登場‼‼‼そひょな登場で大興奮‼‼‼顔が小さすぎで、前髪ありそひょなの可愛さはホント異常‼‼

    2) It was impossible that Yoona would be there by herself, the other soshi must surely come! So I said, but I thought Seohyun was in the middle of MuCore and may not come, but unexpectedly! After Love Girl was over TaeTiSeo arrived! So excited for Seohyun's arrival! Her face was so small, and her hanging bangs made her unusually cute!
    我想不可能只有允兒一個人在那,少時其他成員一定會來, 但我想徐賢正在主持音中所以應該無法來, 但沒有預期到的! <Love girl>結束後, TTS抵達了! 為了徐賢的到來而感到興奮! 她的臉很小 瀏海讓她異常的可愛!

  • ③しかもしかも‼‼始まった歌がウギョルでそひょなが好きって言ってたY,Whyだったもんだから、もー泣きそうで泣きそうでㅠㅠでもでも、テヨンとドン へとユナは前のめりになってみてたから様子が伺いやすかったんだけど、そひょなは姿勢が良すぎてあたしの席からはあまり様子がみれずp q

    3) Also, also! The first song (after they arrived) was the one Seohyun said she liked in WGM "Y,WHY", I almost felt like crying. But, but Taeyeon and Donghae and Yoona were leaning forward watching so they were easy to see, but Seohyun was sitting straight so I couldn't see her from my seat.
    還有還有! 她們抵達後的第一首歌就是徐賢在我結中曾說過她喜歡的那首<Y why>, 我幾乎要哭出來了, 但是泰妍東海和允兒靠在前面,所以很容易看見, 但徐賢做得太挺了,所以從我的位置無法看到她

  • ④そひょな、たまに携帯イジイジはしてたけど、オンニたちとニコニコしながらみてて楽しそうだった♪そ・し・て‼‼神様に感謝の、奇跡のサランピ‼‼‼ ロックverじゃないサランピ‼‼‼嬉しくて嬉しくて震えてしまったよp qでも、ヨンみてそひょなみてってすごく忙しかったw

    4) Seohyun occassionally played with her phone, but she was smiling with her unnies and it looked she was having fun. And then!!! Thank God for the miraculous Love Light! Non-rock version of Love Light! I was shaking with happiness. But, looking at Yong and then looking at Seohyun was very frantic.
    徐賢偶爾玩著她的手機, 但她對著歐尼笑著 看起來她覺得很有趣, 然後!!! 感謝上帝 為了奇蹟般地<Love light>! 不是搖滾版的<Love light>! 我快樂的搖擺著, 看著Yong 在看著徐賢真的很瘋狂

  • ⑤もちろん私は、そひょなをガン見しながらラップ部分大声で叫ばせていただきました♡あっ、サランピ歌う前に、ヨンがサランピ‼って叫んだ時、ユナが満面 の笑みで大きく口を開けてそひょなの事みてたwチング情報では、すじゅの3人もそひょなをみてたらしいwwムフフ (● ´艸`)♡

    5) Of course, I was looking hard at Seohyun while loudly shouting out the rap portion. Ah, before singing Love Light, when Yong shouted "Sarangbit!", Yoona smiled with open mouth while looking at Seohyun. From my friend's account, SuJu's 3 members also looked at Seohyun.
    當然 我是一邊努力的看著徐賢 一邊在Rap那段大聲地尖叫, 在唱<Love light>之前, 當容和喊著"愛情光"的時候, 允兒看著徐賢並張開嘴笑著, 從我朋友的描述, SUJU的三個成員也看著徐賢

  • ⑥で、夢心地のサランピが終わった後、すぐ立って帰る準備をするそひょなp qすじゅの誰かかな(?)言葉わからないし聞こえなかったんだけど、どうして帰るの?的な感じで話しかけてて、そひょなも居たいけど仕方ないんです的な顔 をしつつ(あたしにはそーみえたw)何か話した後帰っちゃったp q

    6) And, after the dream-like Love Light was over, Seohyun immediately stood and got ready to leave. And then someone from SuJu (TN: they weren't sure who), I couldn't hear what he said, but it felt something like "Why are you leaving?", Seohyun looked like she wanted to stay but can't help it (at least I thought so). She then left after saying something.
    然後,在如同夢一般的愛情光結束後,徐賢馬上站了起來 準備離開, SUJU的某位成員..我無法聽到他說什麼 但感覺像是說"為什麼妳要離開?" 徐賢看起來想要留下來但沒有辦法(至少我是這麼想的),之後她說了甚麼就走了
    (第七第八段 沒有徐賢就不翻了)
  • ⑦アジックサラハンダが流れ始めてて、聴いて欲しかったから少し残念だったな。で、そひょなが帰った後は、テヨンとドンへがノリノリだったwドンへ、フー ド被ってて全然みえなかったのに、最後の方には半袖になってたしwLOVEでは、ソシとドンへが立ってLOVE×3・クラップ×3ってやってた♪

    7) Still In Love started playing, I wanted her to hear it so it was a bit regretful. After Seohyun left, Taeyeon and Donghae were still in high spirits. Donghae was covered by his hood so could not see him. During Love, Soshi and Donghae stood and did the Love x3 and clap x3.


    8) When CN was doing their MC, Soshi laughed a lot and really looked like they were having fun. Ah, and someone we can't forget, Kyu! When Burning was singing he was ferverently waving his glow stick. Kyuline is also amazing!


  • 1.Seohyun back after finished 'Love Light' and when "Love light" was played she touched her hair.#BLUENIGHTConcert (Cr.meetann0615)                                                                                                 徐賢在愛情光結束後就回去了,當愛情光在演唱時,她摸了她的頭髮  

          2.the seating arrangement, tiffany--seohyun-- taeyeon cr:  
          位置的安排, 帕尼--徐賢--泰妍
          3. only Seo got back first when Love light was finished. SNSD unnie and SJ talked to her then. while                             listening to Love Light,Seo touched her hair. 
                Seat was on 2nd floor in front of the runway. and they sit side by side. Eunhyuk-Kyu- Donghae-Tiffany-                   Seohyun-Taeyeon-Yoona-Yui(after schoolcr.@
          當愛情光結束 只有徐賢先回去了,少時歐尼和SJ和她說話, 在聽愛情光時,她摸了她的頭髮
          他們的座位是在二樓走道前,排排坐 銀赫-圭賢-東海-帕尼-徐賢-泰妍-允兒-UEE

          4.1.容和现场弹电子琴清唱,好听死了。都要被融化了的温油声线,just feeling。
               2.在爱情光的时候,第二段,二哥唱完"我的爱情好像来了",然后容和念了一句"爱情好像来                             了"!
               6.容和现场即兴创作,很赞! cr.livvy菲菲YS

